Ways to keep up with the blog

We’re all busy these days, especially with the holidays approaching. And as much as you may enjoy the blog, it can be hard to remember to visit it every day.

The good news is that there are a few ways you can keep up with what’s new on the blog and in the neighborhood, without having to always make a trip to the site.

Email Updates
Sign up for email updates and once a day, you’ll get a digest of the new articles that are on the site, delivered right to your email inbox. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Become a fan of the Richmond SF Blog on Facebook. When I post new articles, I will post to Facebook as well and you’ll see it in your usual stream of updates.

If you’re on twitter, follow the blog to get updates on the latest news and articles.

News Feed
If you use a news reader or Mac Mail, you can add our RSS feed and get a list of the latest articles.

Thank you for reading the blog and leaving comments – I always appreciate it!

Sarah B.


  1. I follow your awesome blog on my RSS feed but it would be easier if the RSS feed would show the entire content of the blog posts (a full-text feed, a la curbed) rather than just the summary feed (a la SF Gate). I click through sometimes but would read the entire post much more frequently if it all showed up in my RSS.
    Just my 2 cents! Keep up the good work!

  2. That’s an easy fix, Katie! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. You should start seeing full articles very soon,

    Sarah B.

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