How the Academy penguins celebrated Valentine’s Day

Paper hearts and penguins – this is just too cute. [Note that the video has no sound] – Sarah B.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the Valentine’s Day Penguin Show & Tell program that took place on Sunday, Feb 14, 2010. Biologist Pam is distributing hand-made valentines to the birds, who will use the material in their nests. This type of enrichment activity is something we do often to keep the birds engaged and it mimics the foraging that wild African penguins do year-round to keep their nests comfortable.

And here’s Academy penguin “Tag”. She has arranged the valentines hearts into her nest, layered among the leaves. African penguins don’t tend to shred materials as some other birds do. They often take whole items and arrange them in a thick layer. Some of the female penguins at the Academy are fastidious about nest arrangement while others are a little less obsessive. ”Tag” is currently sitting on 2 eggs.

More on the penguins at the California Academy of Sciences

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