New community garden planned for GGP; organizational meeting on Jan. 31

Community gardens are all the rage these days. But we only have one here in the Richmond District that I know of, and that’s Argonne Community Garden, located on 16th Avenue between Cabrillo and Fulton.

The city has approved a new community garden for the Southeast corner of Golden Gate Park, and on Monday, January 31st there is a community meeting to begin organizing the project.

The organizing committee will work with neighbors and other community garden leaders to come up with a plan for garden sites. The meeting will be facilitated by long-time Haight resident Isabel Wade, whom you can contact in advance at

If you’re interested in securing a plot in the new garden, contact Recreations & Park Dept. Program Manager Marvin Yee at to put your name on the list.

The January 31 meeting will take place at McClaren Lodge in Golden Gate Park (Stanyan at Fell) from 5pm until 7pm.

Sarah B.