Video: A visit to Paul’s Hat Works

Hats off to exuberate1001 who put together a nice video of her visit to Paul’s Hat Works; they also recently launched a new, fancy website.

If you haven’t ever stopped in to visit this retail anachronism, be sure to! They’re located at 6128 Geary near 25th Avenue. Say hi to the four creative ladies that own the shop; they all answer to Paul.

Sarah B.


  1. This is a very cool shop. I’ve stopped in a few times and marveled at what they do with hats. They will also take old hats in donation and restore them for charity. Hats are definitely making a comeback because they’re stylish, and they’re healthy. That right, healthy! They keep the sun out of your eyes; shield your face from harmful sun; protect your eyes from glare; keep you warm, etc. etc.

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