New “PrintFriendly” button on posts

While I’m all for not printing in the interest of being green, every now and then you may want to print an article you see here on the blog. Well I did that today and was horrified at how badly it printed!

So, I’ve added a handy “PrintFriendly” button which you’ll see at the bottom of every post. Click it and a window will pop up with the article in a format suitable for efficient printing. You can even turn the article into a PDF.

Another cool feature is that you can remove images, and even hover on a content block and delete it from the printable view. That way you’re able to cut down the article length and only print the parts you want. I promise I won’t be offended. 🙂

The functionality was created by which also lets you drop in a web address on their website and get the same benefit.

Please let me know if you run into any issues with it here on the blog. Thanks!

Sarah B.