New top brass at the RD police station is… Lieutenant Keith Sanford

I got a tip this morning that the new commander at the Richmond District Police Station will be Lieutenant Keith Sanford.

I haven’t been able to find too much about him, but it looks like he was a Captain at the Taraval station in the Sunset for several years where he busted some pot houses. Others think he has an issue with Critical Mass cyclists.

Welcome to the Richmond District, Lieutenant Sanford!

Sarah B.


  1. What is up with the Richmond station constantly getting a new chief? Is it too quiet out here? Does the fog freak them out?

  2. If he busted pot houses and has a problem with Critical Mass — then I will personally throw a welcome party at my house for him. Anyone who thinks that grow houses are not a source of major problems needs to read the papers more and find out more about the fires and murders we have had relating to drug deals and robberies at them. As for Critical Mass — since when it is okay for people to obstruct the legal right of way of other citizens, harrass them and verbally and physically threaten them? — esp. when the taxpayers are footing the bill for the outrageous amount of extra police (and the overtime that they get) for this.

  3. Hi Derek,
    We are not “constantly getting a new chief.” We have a new Capt. (not chief) of the Richmond Station — the recently appointed Chief of SFPD is Greg Suhr — who was changed because Gascon became D.A. Capt. Correia was chief of the Richmond for a number of years — and has been promoted to Commander by the new Chief. Nothing unusual about this at all.

  4. Oh boy, I miss former Capt. Rich Correia already!

  5. Richmond District residents I cry for you,I am a Taraval District resident,he is so bad I stopped going to the community meetings He busted pot houses in your dreams god the corruption I think it is called under the code of blue he is the worst of all and he will call mental health on you if you complain to the police commission

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