Former Mayor / Lieutenant Governor Newsom in the neighborhood on Tuesday

On Tuesday, July 5 Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom will be blowing through the neighborhood for a brief appearance.

According to a media advisory, the former SF mayor will be at Rochambeau Playground (238 25th Ave) at 10am.

He’s in town to “join Coca-Cola in presentation of major gift to San Francisco Parks Trust as part of their commitment to creating healthy communities.” Please withhold your snickering about Coca-Cola and healthy communities…

If you’re on the scene, please send pics of the dashing L.G.! Thanks to RichmondSFBlog reader Jim for the tip.

Sarah B.


  1. OK, I know you said to withhold our snickering about Coca Cola and healthy communities but, c’mon now! I have nothing against Coke per se and, if people want to drink it, then that is their choice. But this is all just PR for them. It’s the same tactic thousands of other corporations use to soften their image and get people to see them in a more positive light, so it’s nothing new, but it still strikes me as careless at best and hypocritical at worst, to accept a “major gift”, especially when SF govt keeps encouraging us all to have a soda free summer. Do we really have to make it so easy for all these corporations to brainwash us all into thinking they are part of the solution and not part of the problem???

  2. I agree with Seth! Plus I really couldn’t care less about what Newsom is up to these days. Just wish he’d disappear into obscurity.

  3. he must be bummed to be in such a place of obscurity. I’m not sure he was in the spotlight long enough to be famous like Willie Brown. though he’s got a perfect job for being a new dad. low responsibility. cash that paycheck!

  4. I wonder if we as a society donated a portion of the money we spend on soda a bottled water to our parks, if we would need coca cola to give us a “gift” . I also wonder what strings are attached to this “gift”.

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