Video: Martial arts demonstration in honor of “Shaolin” at the 4-Star Theater

Last Friday night, the 4-Star at 23rd and Clement hosted a live demonstration martial arts by Shaolin monks outside the theater. The performance was in honor of the opening of the new film “Shaolin”:

As feuding warlords fight to expand their power, the noble monks of the Shaolin Temple clean up the mess left behind, tending to the injured while trying their best to protect the poor and weak. General Hou (Andy Lau) has caused much of this mess with his violent and ruthless tactics that rarely discriminate between soldiers and civilians. When Hou is betrayed by fellow general Cao Man (Nicholas Tse), he is forced into hiding, and takes refuge with the monks (including Jackie Chan) at their hidden mountain temple. As the days pass, he finds himself more and more at ease as he learns the ways of peace, and begins to release his hatred through Martial Zen.

“Shaolin” plays daily at the 4-Star Theater at 1pm, 3:30pm, 6pm, and 8:30pm. Special thanks to zero-g for capturing the performance.

Sarah B.