Photo: Heartbreak moves further west to 22nd Avenue

Last week we posted a photo of heartbreak graffiti on 8th Avenue. RichmondSFBlog reader Steph K. snapped this pic at 22nd and California yesterday. This poor person has had their heart broken all over the neighborhood…

Sarah B.


  1. yeah, it was marginally cute the first time. this is where your tax dollars go–to clean up this crap.

  2. There has to be much stiffer consequences for this vandalism. That’s right, we end up paying a lot of money for this criminal nonsense.

  3. I just noticed that there is an increase of grafitti on the ground, especially along 21st Ave between Geary and Clement. Pictures, words, tire tracks, etc.

  4. there is a person in the hood who thinks his stuff is like Banksie,my neighbor knows him and told him to cut it out I’ll stroll over to 21st and compare notes with my neighbor-if- it is this guy a visit from a uniform seems in order

  5. seriously, don’t encourage this nonsense. too many small businesses in the neighborhood have the regular expense of cleaning up this excrement. in this case, we collectivle bear the cost.

  6. You’re making a mistake publishing more photos of this, Sarah. Don’t give vandals your attention, don’t encourage anyone to blight our neighborhood because you thought there was a “message” in it, or you thought it was “cute” or “interesting.”

    Clement west of Park Presidio have seen a drastic increase in tagging in the last few months – on building fronts, door-fronts, windows, and intersection sidewalks. If you don’t realize it – this is territory marking, and it’s not cute or interesting – the message is “crime” – and it’s been infiltrating the area.

  7. Like a one shot joke repeated too often and ad nauseum, one graffito was enough. Alot of this so-called sidewalk art, like the frothing beer mug is WAY overdone. Last year, the frothing beer mug in yellow paint was sprayed on the childrens entrance to Lafayette school. I still have an annoying Kim-Il-Jon painting staring at me on Anza. One man’s art is another man’s bad song sung too loudly. only this crap requires cleanup.

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