Golden Gate Bridge uprights

This photo was snapped by Hugh Stickney while he watched the George Washington High School Eagles defeat Lincoln High School 28-14 last week at the 67th annual Bell Game. GWHS has one of the best views in the Richmond.

Sarah B.


  1. I love that view! Some have called it the ‘million dollar view.’

    It”s even better looking at it from Washington versus the garage roof of Fresh & Easy.

  2. Lovely photo! Thanks for it. You can tell how much San Franciscans valued education when you look at how gorgeous high schools like Washintgon, Lincoln and Balboa are — and the fact that they were situated on hills with fabulous views…so people would look up to them.

  3. Absolutely breathtaking view! Took it for granted while going to school there and really missing it now! I love this website though makes me feel homesick.

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