Local links: Laundry wins, Foggy Notion, Blood drive, free ESL classes & more

Come on, this is in our backyard!? Awesome.

Little bits of Richmond District randomness in today’s list of hyper-super-seriously local links:

  • Cal’s Pet Supply’s owner, Tricia Principe, is celebrating her first year in business with a party this Saturday. Stop by the shop (Calif. & 22nd Avenue) to enjoy cake, refreshments and prizes from 10am until 6pm. Bring in this flyer and get $10 off a purchase of $100 or more (good thru March 31).
  • Get zen… for free at the Westside Art House (540 Balboa) this Sunday from 10am until 12noon. It’s a “Mind & Meditation” workshop (view flyer) put on by the Art of Living. Can’t make it? The next one is on April 8.
  • Wash & fold… and win! Amybelle’s Wash & Dry (3220 Balboa) is running a promotion where customers can win an Amazon Gift Card. Use the change machine and when you get a blue quarter, and use it to wash your clothes. Then visit Amybelle’s Facebook page and tell them which machine you used. Once they retrieve your blue quarter and confirm it, you’re a winner! Just like lucky Brian Delaaney. Who knew washing clothes could be so rewarding!
  • Remember Foggy Notion, the art studio and shop that popped up briefly in December on 6th Avenue near Clement? They’ll be officially returning on March 21 and celebrating with a grand opening party on Friday, March 23 from 6-9pm. The shop will feature jewelry, recycled vinyl and leather goods, and showcase designers and artists from SF and beyond who create handmade, organic, and environmentally-conscious products. Bonus points if you know who inspired the shop’s name…
  • Know someone who could use help with their English skills? The Richmond Village Beacon offers free ESL classes every Tuesday and Thursday night at George Washington High (6-8pm). Additional evening classes will soon be added at Roosevelt Middle School on Arguello. For more details, call 750-8554 or email sarah@rvbeacon.org.
  • Let it bleed: There’s a blood drive at the VA Hospital (4150 Clement) on Wednesday, March 14 from 9am until 2pm. Schedule an appointment online or drop-in (after a good meal and lots of water beforehand of course).
  • The darling of the food blogs lately has been Cassava Bakery, which just opened on Balboa at 36th Avenue. Grubstreet has pics and says they’ve “got a daily changing menu of unique sandwiches, soups, Ritual coffee, pastries (think peanut-butter-cornflake cookies and other fun stuff), Japanese-style breakfast items, and more.” Closed Tuesdays.

Sarah B.


  1. @Paul – That was taken out at Lands End. There is a labyrinth along the coast. You have to go down the stairs to Mile Rock Beach. At the halfway point, head out onto the cliff and you’ll see it below.

    Sarah B.

  2. Paul: That’s Lands End Circle. A quick Google search will tell you where to find it.

  3. How can GG Park and Lands End be our back yard? Where’s the front yard? How about the breezeway?

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