Expand your horizons with free adult classes this summer at the RDNC

Want to learn something new this summer? Looking for a new workout to shake things up?

The Richmond Village Beacon, part of the Richmond District Neighborhood Center (RDNC), is offering a series of weekly classes for adults, running June 4th through August 2nd.

All of the following classes are either free or request a low donation of just $2 per class (*):

Mondays (first class June 4):
Ballroom Dance 1 6-7pm
Ballroom Dance 2* 7-8pm
Computer (English) 6:30 – 8pm

Tuesdays & Thursdays (first class June 5 or 7):
English (ESL) 6-8pm
Breathing / Relaxation Yoga 6-7pm
Cardio Yoga* 7-8pm
Zumba 8-9pm

Wednesdays (first class June 6):
Mindfulness Meditation 6-7pm
Tai Chi 7-8pm
Knitting Circle 7-8pm
Computer (Cantonese) 6:30-8pm

Classes are held in different rooms on the George Washington High School campus (30th Avenue and Anza). Best of all there is no need to pre-register. Just come 10 minutes early on the first day of class and you’ll be asked to complete an Adult Membership Form.

For more information, contact Sarah Huck at the RDNC at sarah@rvbeacon.org or by phone at 750-8554.

Sarah B.