Kaboom! Neighbor gets an early jump on July 4th with late night fireworks

A reader named Deborah reminded me today that I was awoken last night just before 2am by a series of loud bangs, maybe 15 in total.

They didn’t sound like gunshots, but when you’re half asleep, it’s hard to make it out.

Turns out it was fireworks, probably M-80s, that were set off near 19th and Balboa last night. They were loud, with residents claiming to hear them near 10th and Geary, 12th and Geary, and 18th and Geary.

Some residents called the police, others like RichieintheCity actually witnessed it:

And while most of us nearby probably rolled back over and feel back asleep, not everyone was undisturbed by the incident:

July 4th is TOMORROW, guys! And as the Mayor said this week, “Be safe this Independence Day. Leave the fireworks to the professionals for a happy and safe 4th of July.”

Sarah B.


  1. Oh yeah, the were pretty durn loud and there were a lot of them. Didn’t wake the hubby, but I was still up. We live on 20th near Balboa.

  2. All the 4-legged residents agree with the Mayor on this one.

  3. I could see those fireworks out my window from 15th and Clement. Thought they were much closer than Balboa and 19th. Loud and bright.

  4. It’s possible that fireworks enforcement would be taken a little more seriously if it also happened at Chinese New Year.

  5. You hear fireworks at Chinese New Year too. But, what you mostly hear or see are just young guys lighting strings of black cats, not the monsters like last night.

  6. I heard them from Clement & 7th Ave.. and it was pretty loud. I was ready to call 911, but I didn’t have any other helpful info.

  7. Well, yes, mel, apparently that subtle distinction has somehow escaped our local fireworks fans, who — somewhat understandably, I must admit — are not fluent in the letter of the law in this area.

    Be *serious* about the ban, or don’t ban them at all, is all I’m asking.

  8. Im on 20th near Balboa, heard loud booms and saw light flashes out my window at around 2am.

  9. This is not the first time for this individual. I’ve been hearing his noise often on Friday nights after midnight for months now. I can only hope that he will be cured of this before he suffers the same fate as the homeowner on 19th Av between Judah and Kirkham.

  10. There is a person or persons who roam up and down Balboa very late at night shooting off something. I’m at LaPlaya and Balboa and at least once a month wake up hearing this gun/fireworks going off multiple times.

  11. I think the stuff Mon night and last night were fireworks in the Central Richmond area. I know last night was insane and even louder than Mon. night. They went on at random until almost 3 AM. I did see a fire truck come down Anza around 2, but not sure if it was related.

  12. Unfortunately, whomever it was wasn’t around to reply to the helicopter at the rooftops of 5th & Clement this (Thu 5th) evening. Would’ve been a win-win.

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