Photos: National Night Out at the Richmond District police station

Tuesday night was National Night Out at the Richmond District police station. The nationwide event is designed to develop partnerships between the police and fire departments, and the community.

The event featured police and fire vehicles, a popular station tour, face painting and other activities. Thanks to cub reporter David H. for snapping these pics!

Sarah B.

Photo by @foxymary

Photo by @foxymary


  1. Doesn’t look like there was much of a turn out. That’s too bad.

  2. @Khaki – Turnout was pretty good, though not as big as last year. David was there early so snapped some pics before it filled up 🙂

    Sarah B.

  3. If you can believe it, the kid in the jeep is the same kid in the Jan 2011 archive (“Where oh where is OctoTruck?”).

  4. Sigh, I used to get rides to the corner and back on the police horses every Saturday if I was good. If I wasn’t good, I got to give the horse a sugar cube and go back into the house.

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