Police release video of Pharmacy thieves in effort to get help from the public

On January 14th, two pharmacy robberies took place, one of them at the Clement Pharmacy located at 1922 Clement, the other at a pharmacy on Noriega Street in the Sunset.

The Clement Street robbery occurred at 1:45pm in the afternoon. Two men entered the pharmacy, pointed a gun at employees and took prescription drugs, according to police. In the video above, the Clement Street pharmacy footage begins at 00:30.

Investigators believe the suspects were trying to take medicine containing oxycodone, because they took items in both stores that said “Oxy” on the label, police said.

One suspect is described as a black man between 20 and 25 years old with black hair and a thin build, and about 5 feet 8 to 5 feet 10 inches tall. He may have a pudgy nose and be left-handed, police said.

He was last seen wearing a baseball cap, black ski jacket, dark pants, a blue backpack and white gloves.

The second suspect, also described as a black man between 20 and 25 years old with black hair and a thin build, is about 5 feet 10 inches tall. He was wearing a dark ski jacket, dark sneakers and black-and-white gloves, according to police.

Anyone with information about the cases is encouraged to call Inspector Peterson with the Police Department’s criminal investigations unit at (415) 553-1201. People wishing to remain anonymous can also call (415) 575-4444 or send a tip by text message to TIP411.

Sarah B.


  1. But when you call any of those numbers don’t they automatically get the number your calling from? With all the incompetence going on everywhere, they’re liable to post your name and address somewhere “by mistake”.

  2. @Gary
    Hmmm, I’m guessing since they’re not (800) or (888) numbers your’s would stay blocked. The text message option….not so sure about that one.

  3. Yeah, not sure. It’s just that the consequence of a leak could be terrible if the bad guy ever got your address, even to the point of something like setting your house on fire.

  4. I agree I wouldn’t want a criminal to come fine me at home. But, I would hope anyone who has information regarding crime in our neighborhood could do *something* to get information to assist the police. Send a letter w/o a return address. Find a pay phone and call. I think the main point is to take action and pull together as a community. I’m all for that.

  5. Sad, that some have the fear of being discovered “who turned them in” as an invitation to reprisal. You can always go into a police station in person, give the info. and ask to remain anonymous.

  6. If it really bothers you, use a payphone (if you can find one) or use *67. If you’re calling from a cell, it’s even harder to locate you other than your area code.

    Cops generally honor the “anonymous” promise. Just look at gun-buybacks. People walk up with felonies in their hands and walk away with money.

    Anonymous tips are enough for probable cause. They don’t need your name or address unless you want to give it.

    What is this? A stop snitchin fest?

  7. Well, how many hackings have you heard about lately? dozens. I’ve got nothing against turning in bad guys, none at all but, you have to think of the consequences, if because of some screw up by those in charge of your “anonymous” name and address somehow made it public.

    Now the bad guy has your address and you know nothing about him. Your at his mercy of doing anything he wants, you won’t know when it will come. Not a pleasant thing to live with.

    Don’t be naive, you want the risk of your house being burnt down, or mugged on the street. We’re living in a age of incompetent hiring everywhere.

    fiddles explain yourself, your “highly suspicious” what do you mean?

  8. Gary: You could die from anything. If everyone took your attitude towards life then nothing will ever get resolved such as the no snitch policy in Oakland. Again as some of the posters above have stated you can hide your identity if you want, or dress up like Elmo and go to a payphone and disclose helpful details if you so desire to.

    You are the defintion of fear mongering. If you saw someone was a neghibor and hear and saw someone get chopped up would you report it? Wouldn’t you feel safer in your community if this person or individuals were behind bars? How many houses do you know that has been burned down? Muggings happen everywhere even if you never disclosed information. What’s your point on that? You think by not disclosing information some crazy dude wouldn’t burn down your house and mug you?

  9. I support a strong, active neighborhood that gets involved. Active, involved neighborhoods have less crime and generally safer. Criminals love neighborhoods that live in fear and will seek them as targets for crime. Let’s work *with* the police to keep our neighborhood safe! 🙂

  10. Sarah: Was the photo intentionally removed, or is there a computer glitch?

  11. @renee – Video is still there, not sure why you can’t see it.

    Sarah B.

  12. Renee, likely you cannot see the video b/c of adblocking settings on your browser. I could not see it in firefox using adblock. I had to copy the video’s URL and paste it into Chrome (actually “Iron”, chrome w/o the spyware). To make along explanation short, Renee, try right-clicking while on the video and selecting “allow” or something similar…
    Secondly, from viewing that vid, those thugs were well hidden.
    PS – Gary, you’re paranoid – those robbers aren’t likely from around here and are dope thieves. Also, there is a thing called the US Mail if youre paranoid about being a tipster.

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