Police Blotter: March 1, 2013

[Reprinted from The Richmond Police Station Newsletter of March 1, 2013. To be added to the station’s mailing list, email sfpd.richmond.station@sfgov.org.]

This week I received a few emails from residents who saw suspicious persons on their block, looking into alleys and sizing up homes. Those residents emailed Richmond Station. Please, if there is a crime in progress or a suspicious person call 911. If it is not an emergency please call 553-0123 and then send the email. We welcome your emails but that does not take the place of a call to police dispatch.

We are very happy for Officer Phil Busalacchi who has been transferred to our motorcycle unit. We will really miss Phil as he has played an integral role here at Richmond Station for the past 16 years. He has walked the Geary Blvd foot beat for almost that long. Phil has earned his spot on the motors and we wish him the best of luck on this well deserved seat. Officer Andrew Johnson will be filling the spot on our beat and Andrew is excited and eager to hit the bricks.

Officer Lorie Brophy and I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in Read Across America’s Read Aloud Program at Alamo School this week. I had room 204 and we read one of my personal favorites Where the Wild Things Are. My bright eyed second graders had plenty of input and I look forward to participating in future events at our local schools.

Our next Community meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 6pm. It will be in the Community Room, here at Richmond Station, 461 6th Ave. (NOTE TIME CHANGE)

On 02/23/13 at 4:30pm, plainclothes officers were in the area of Sutro Park when they observed a known burglar, accompanied by another male, walk into the brush area of the park. The officers followed the two and discovered then now sitting at a campsite that was equipped with a tent. There was a female present as well. Upon conducting a warrant check on all three, two of them had warrants for narcotic violations and were booked accordingly.

On 02/23/13 at 8:10pm, officers were in the area of 6th and Clement when the observed two males crouched down by a parked car. The officers then saw the suspects were also in possession of alcohol. They detained the males and when asked for identification, one of the males said he would go have to get it and began to walk away. The male was told to stop and at that time he began to run from the officers. The male was located hiding behind a van on the 4500 block of California St. It was determined that the male had two outstanding warrants for his arrest for narcotic violations. The 29 year old male was booked on his warrants.

On 02/28/13 at 7am, officers were called to the 100 block of 19th Ave, regarding a male who was digging through garbage cans, possibly stealing old mail. The officers located the male, but the caller refused to speak to the police. The male did have an warrant for his arrest for narcotic violations.

On 02/21/13, between 12pm and 12:51pm on the 500 block of 48th Ave, a suspect pried opens the front door of a residence and took jewelry, an iPad and cash.

On 02/21/13, between 2:15pm and 4:15pm a suspect took 3 bikes from the rack in front of the DeYoung Museum.

Between 02/23/13, 6:30pm and 02/24/13, 9am on the 3400 block of Sacramento St, a suspect gained access into a garage by unknown means and took a bike.

Between 02/23/13, 8pm and 02/24/13, 7:20am on the 3500 block of Geary, the suspect smashed out the front window of a business and took coins from the register.

On 02/23/13 at 10:50pm, 3 suspects entered a business on the 4000 block of Balboa. One suspect was armed with a handgun and demanded cash. An employee handed over cash and the suspects also took cell phones and 2 laptops. The suspects were described as Asian males, 30-40 years of age, wearing baseball caps and gray jackets.

On 02/24/13 at 9:40am, a suspect entered a business on the 3700 block of Sacramento St. The suspect pried open an interior office door and took postage stamps and cash.

On 02/24/13 at 11:10pm the victim was walking on California St towards 22nd Ave. She was talking on her cell phone and was suddenly pushed from behind, causing her to fall to the ground. The suspect then kicked her several times and tried to take her cell phone. The victim was able to get away, still possessing her phone; however the suspect continued to chase her. A passerby in a vehicle stopped to help the victim and the suspect fled west on California St. The suspect was an Asian male, 20-22 years, wearing a white t-shirt and light blue jeans.

Between 02/24/13, 11:50pm and 02/25/13, 9am on the 5900 block of Geary, a suspect entered a restaurant via a rear door with a broken lock. The suspect took cash.

Between 02/24/13, 11pm and 02/25/13, 9am on the 2100 block of Clement St, a suspect attempted to enter a restaurant by prying open the front door. The suspect did damage to the locks, but was unable to gain access.

Between 02/25/13, 12am and 02/26/13, 7:30pm on the 4200 block of Geary, a suspect pried open the front door to a business and took cash from the register.

On 02/25/13 at 12:54pm the victim was home and in bed when her bedroom door opened. She initially thought it was one of her roommates until she heard a male voice saying “Is she asleep?” The door shut and she then heard footsteps going down the back stairs. A short time later her roommates came home. At that point they discovered that someone had entered the home through a rear window and took jewelry and cash from another bedroom.

On 02/25/13, between 2:15pm and 3pm on the 2500 block of Post St, a suspect entered a residence through a sliding glass door. The suspect took silver utensils from the residence and a rolling suitcase from the garage. It was later learned that a neighbor saw the suspect climbing over a railing from the victim’s home, but thought it was a relative. The suspect was described as a white male, 30yrs of age, with a shaved head. He was wearing khaki shorts, white t-shirt and gray sweatshirt. He was also riding a white bicycle.

On 02/27/13 at 2:15pm, the victim was standing at a bus stop, talking on her cell phone. The suspects approached her from behind, with one suspect grabbing her cell phone and the other attempting to grab her purse. Construction workers from across the street started yelling at the suspect who then fled on foot, south on Presidio Ave. The suspect who stole her phone was a black male, 20-25yrs, wearing a light colored shirt and blue jeans. The second was a male, possibly Hispanic, wearing a black beanie and dark pants.

On 02/28/13, between 9am and 6:30pm on the 100 block of 25th Ave, a suspect entered a home by smashing out a pane of glass on the front door and unlocked it. The suspect took jewelry.


  1. Thank you so much for the updates! We appreciate it.

  2. “On 02/24/13 at 11:10pm the victim was walking on California St towards 22nd Ave. She was talking on her cell phone and was suddenly pushed from behind, causing her to fall to the ground.”

    I can only laugh at this stuff now––I work late, a lot, and I don’t know how many women I manage to walk up on, from behind, totally oblivious and on the phone. Just Stupidity and they pretty much deserve it at this point if they have no idea, no sense of what they are doing.

  3. I’m a runner who often runs early evenings when it is getting dark and it amazes me how often I run past someone who was walking in front of me, only to have them gasp in surprise. If they can’t hear someone loudly running down a street, then they truly aren’t aware enough of their surroundings. However, to suggest, as someone has done here, that anyone “pretty much” deserves to be accosted by a criminal is ludicrous and insulting. People are just trying to live their lives. Yes, they could and should be more aware but these things can and do happen to the best of us. Have some common decency and sympathy for the victim(s).

  4. I wish the police would plant a decoy or two, with cell phones – followed by unmarked cars. Nailing 4-5 of these scum/loser cell phone thieves would get the word out that the Richmond is not easy pickins’.

    Also, blaming the victim doesn’t help anyone. Those persons could just as easily been pushed down in an attempt to steal something else. NOBODY “deserves” to be the victim of a crime! Why should we assume that simply walking down the street, talking on one’s phone “deserves” a negative consequence. Sheeesh!

  5. @phil I too would love to see the SFPD plant decoys as well. I remember it was about a year ago that I had read at oceanbeachbulletin.com about an 82 year old woman who had her purse (or something of value) stolen from her by some coward. Just burned me to read about this punk whose prey was evidently the elderly, and I made a comment on the Ocean Beach site that I’d so love to see the SFPD set up decoys, where they disguise themselves as vulnerable elderly, entice the punks who prey on them to steal and assault one more time, and see the defenseless elderly woman suddenly morph into a uniformed SF police officer with back-up officers arresting and cuffing the scumbag(s) with all of the Richmond to see.

  6. Everyone in the area should KNOW about the police blotter and keep themselves updated with it so they can see what goes on in their neighborhood. With everyone on the same page, crime can be prevented if everyone is extremely aware of their surroundings.

  7. Is it just me or are we experiencing a crime wave? I’d love for a member of the SFPD with access to statistics to post here with information on the rate of crimes that are being reported. It sounds to me like this number is increasing pretty drastically, but I’d really like to have specific information if possible.

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