New map identifies spans with highest traffic-related injuries along Arguello, Fulton, Geary and Balboa

A snapshot of a new map, showing areas of the Richmond District with the highest number of traffic-related injury incidents

Recently, the SF Department of Public health released an updated “High?Injury Network” map that shows the streets in San Francisco that have the most traffic-related injuries.

Not surprisingly, there are a few concerning corridors in the Richmond District including all of Arguello Boulevard, Geary between Arguello and 31st, Fulton between 17th and 29th Avenues, and Balboa between 29th and 38th Avenues.

The data for the map comes from the combination of SFPD collision reports with Zuckerberg SF General Hospital injury reports, a data first for San Francisco. Collision reports don’t give a full picture, because not all injuries are reported by the SFPD. Between 2013 and 2015, the hospital admitted 411 people who suffered injuries – but were not in SFPD records.

“Approximately 50 percent of the patients seen each year at Zuckerberg San Francisco General’s Level I Trauma Center are people injured in traffic crashes,” said Barbara Garcia, Director of Health.

The city’s Vision Zero campaign aims to eliminate traffic fatalities by the year 2024 through urban engineering efforts, traffic enforcement and education. So far this year there have been 9 traffic-related deaths, compared to 19 in the first half of 2016.

Along the corridors that are hot spots in the Richmond, several changes have been made in the last 18 months to help combat traffic-related injuries, and more are being planned.

Along the stretch of Balboa from 34th Avenue through 39th, bulb-outs were added to help assist pedestrian crossings. In February, speed limits were reduced along several blocks of Fulton, and a new stoplight was recently installed outside the Richmond District Senior Center at 37th Avenue that should be operational soon.

Plans are also underway to implement bike and pedestrian safety improvements along Arguello. Earlier this year, a 73-year old woman was the victim of a hit and run accident that moved neighbors to raise money for her recovery and assist the SFPD in trying to identify the driver.

According to the Vision Zero website, more than 70 percent of severe and fatal traffic injuries occur on just 12 percent of city streets.

Sarah B.

[via Hoodline]


  1. the mta is the cause for the increase in accidents along arguello. at the intersection where the hit and run occurred, there have been two other accidents (one caused by an sfpd vehicle) and many near misses.
    these all happened after the mta’s “vision zero fixes” to the blvd.

  2. the 10th Ave/Fulton intersection is potentially dangerous…the west-bound fulton light has a left turn signal (turning into the parking garage) that lights up *after* the regular green light, so people on the west side of the intersection crossing fulton see the pedestrian lights on the east side go red (and the eastbound traffic stops because it gets a red light) and think it’s fine to go ahead and step into the intersection, not realizing that westbound traffic still has a green light. it’s definitely the pedestrians’ fault for trying to predict the lights, but i see it so many times, i can’t believe it hasn’t killed somebody yet. a protected left isn’t really necessary at that intersection.

  3. Anyone else here think “Vision Zero” is a dumb name for a traffic safety initiative? Perhaps phraseology that suggests just the opposite, like “Vision 20/20” or “Eyes Wide Open” would be more appropriate. Just sayin’…..

  4. I do not like the re-design of Arguello/Anza intersection.

  5. 34th and Balboa begs for a stop sign. There is a 4-block stretch from 32nd to 36th without a stop – the longest in the neighborhood. There are two schools at that intersection. Bulb out only adds to the danger, since there is a MUNI stop there, and there is not enough room for bikes and cars to approach at the same time safely.

  6. I ride my bike to work from the hood out to the Embarcadero every day. In my opinion, I think all of the traffic calming things are more hazardous. Can’t explain why but feel they are. Just allow the cars to get where they want to go- that will make a calmer driver. I do like the bike lanes though! And it is still the bicyclist responsibility to not to hurt them selves.

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