The Legion of Honor Museum
Here’s a short survey to add to your to-do list this week! Supervisor Sandra Fewer, along with the Richmond District Neighborhood Center and other community partners, will be launching a new “One Richmond” campaign for the neighborhood. More from her July 2017 newsletter:
I am proud to share that through the city budget process, $1 million in new resources will be coming into the Richmond District for infrastructure and beautification, youth and family services, senior services, neighborhood safety efforts, tenant counseling, and more. I am especially pleased to announce the funding of a new initiative called “One Richmond” that my office will be working on with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development. Designed to uplift principles of inclusion, interconnectedness, responsibility, and supporting neighborhood resources like small businesses, One Richmond will be launching sometime this fall with exciting ways for everyone to get involved and strengthen our neighborhood!
The goal of One Richmond is to strengthen a collective identity for the neighborhood that promotes the values of inclusiveness, compassion, community pride and shopping local.
This week, Supervisor Fewer’s office sent out a new survey to residents to gather their feedback on neighborhood character, landmarks and favorite spots.
Click below to take the survey and provide your responses, which will be used to create materials (including a logo) for the upcoming campaign.
Thanks for your input!
Sarah B.
Survey taken.
Instead of creating a logo for the hood, though, how about work on filling empty storefronts, assisting our homeless folks and cleaning up the streets (of trash that seems to get dumped everywhere and trash cans that are often overflowing).
Like others, I worry that projects like this, and ones like the beautification of Geary and Park Presideo such as are creating a Potemkin Village of sorts. The greenstrip needs all kinds of work, the potholes Supv. Fewer idntified have yet to be filled and the sidewalks on 14th Ave, which DPW told her they’d fix at least 6 mos ago, maybe longer, are still in need of replacement. We need to take a good look at addressing the infrastructure of the district.
Please no slogan, no logo, no marketing!
In addition to helping the homeless, can we also leave out bins of iphones, laptops, money for theft addicts? Surely this will solve our auto-breakin problems.
My slogan was, “You can still live here” maybe…
I’m a bit worried… This is kind of the one last “peaceful” hood in the city. Do we really need to be “marketing” it?
no please do not market. we dont want more people here and espcialy no tourists. keep the richmond local. we dont want to be the next mission. its such a shithole
My slogan would be: please stay out, we don’t want your problems here. Please don’t market our neighborhood!!! We don’t need more rich techies and foreign cash-buyers pushing out the regular folks who are the backbone of our community. Work on preventing evictions of families, work on increasing affordability in ways other than building high-rises along Geary.
I’d love to see some information about where this project came from and serious arguments about how it would benefit the neighborhood. These things all seem to come out of nowhere without the tempiture of the community being taken first.
Richmond needs a Greeting marker to Welcome incoming Visitors. Golden Gate Park has new granite boulders. Richmond District could have a few large markers placed on top the District boundary in highly traveled routes. An example: RICHMOND DISTRICT – Neighborhood of green space. Our District is bordered by GGP, Lands End, Pacific Ocean. What about someone being in-charge of updating the street flags above the medians on Geary? Flags displaying “We are Proud of our California Distinguished Schools – Richmond District,” “Science thrives @ California Academy of Sciences – Richmond District,” “History Made Here @ Sutro Baths – Richmond District,” etc..
Sandra save us from these carpetbaggers,who want to sell our neighborhood!Dont let them turn you from us.Neil