Community meetings about upcoming “One Richmond” campaign, March 1 & 8

Back in January, we told you about a neighborhood survey being conducted by Supervisor Sandra Fewer’s office to gather feedback on neighborhood character, landmarks and favorite spots.

The information will be used to inform an upcoming “One Richmond” campaign, whose goal is to “strengthen a collective identity for the neighborhood that promotes the values of inclusiveness, compassion, community pride and shopping local”.

Funding for the campaign comes from $1 million that Supervisor Fewer secured for a variety of Richmond District initiatives including infrastructure and beautification, youth and family services, senior services, neighborhood safety efforts, tenant counseling, and more.

If you haven’t taken the survey, you still can by clicking here (through March 8).

Supervisor Fewer and the RDNC are also holding two community meetings about the One Richmond campaign with a goal of getting input from residents on “creating new opportunities for inclusiveness, compassion, community pride, and shopping local in our neighborhood”.

600 32ND AVENUE, SF, 94121
THURSDAY, MARCH 1 , 2018, 6:30 TO 8:00 PM

506 CLEMENT STREET, SF, 941 18
THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2018, 6:30 TO 8:00 PM

No RSVP is required. Just show up and participate!

Sarah B.


  1. Is this really worthwhile?

    The information will be used to inform an upcoming “One Richmond” campaign, whose goal is to “strengthen a collective identity for the neighborhood that promotes the values of inclusiveness, compassion, community pride and shopping local”.

    I’d rather the million be put towards the car break in task force instead of this nice to have / full of fluff campaign.

  2. @Keith – The campaign does not cost $1 million. That is the amount Supervisor Fewer secured for a variety of neighborhood initiatives, the campaign being one of them. If you want to know how much is being spent on the campaign, I’m sure you could contact Fewer’s office or ask at the meeting.

  3. It’s difficult to take a survey serious when it’s asking the color you associate with the neighborhood, a shape that reminds you of the neighborhood, a slogan for the neighborhood & a sentence that describes the mood of the neighborhood. It resembles a kindergarten project at best, and is a bit embarrassing any funds would be dedicated to this. I would not waste my time contacting someone that supports this garbage, sorry.

  4. Spend $1M of PAVING F GEARY. We have a $10B budget – WHAT IS GOING ON??

  5. So the car break-in thing? Is that real or just some people feeling their experience is universal?
    If real, what exactly is getting stolen since people wouldn’t be silly enough to leave anything in vehicles?

  6. Maybe if Fewer stopped posting about participating in the social justice cause du jour and started doing her job addressing our safety (strongarm robberies), security (car break ins, drugs), transport (MUNI), housing ($1.2M+ 2br family homes), and economic concerns (vacant storefronts, development) we wouldn’t have fluff projects like this to make affluent young liberals happy. You all realize we have a lot of low income, non-English speaking immigrants in our district who need help, right? Try canvassing the neighborhood and talk to real people. Poor people without internet access or the language skills can’t fill out fru-fru online surveys.

  7. Hi – My husband and I were unable to attend the meetings. Is there a link to read the ‘minutes’ from the two group discussions?

  8. 1st gen immigrant hit the nail on the head. fewer has done nothing during her first year as a sup so she rolls out this pr campaign to make it look like she is actually working.
    and to mr foster…yes, the car break in thing is real and please stop victim blaming

  9. @Morgan – there a another meeting next week on March 8 at Green Apple

  10. Well I went to the 2/12 Argonne School meeting and saw people who were interested to promote more connections among Richmond residents. There may be a lot of ways to do that, can’t say this is the best one. But it does point out that the Richmond doesn’t have as cohesive community identity as some other SF areas. As for the having priority around crime, I think the best way to prevent crime is for aspiring criminals to know people in the area are engaged with their neighbors and looking out for them.

  11. I didn’t get a flyer in the mail about these meetings, would have liked to attend one of them… In any case, I too would like to see the Meeting Minutes if you can direct me where to find. I have lived in the Richmond since 1998 (7th/Calif, then 18th/Cabrillo, now 46th/Anza) I would LOVE, LOVE LOVE to have a Farmer’s Market at the foot of Cabrillo @ La Playa You know the spot- the mini plaza across from Safeway and MUNI turnaround, next to Wise Surf Shop. It’s just screaming Farmer’s Market! The current and only market in the Richmond is a sad little venue at the VA. I’ve attended many times, hoping it’s better week after week after month. It’s not. No one there. Not many options. Who is with me?!

  12. to 1st gen.

    agree with you on most things, but its ahrd to have sympathy for immigrants that cant be bothered to learn english. this is a stupid campaign done by a PR firm im sure. Ive done these branding exercise in my job, and they are worthless. the questons in theis survey were worthless. she needs to focus on crime, clean streets, homeless issue, safe streets, etc

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