MARCH 1, 2018
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This years Chinese New Year Parade was a success, and I hope everyone enjoyed their Lunar New Year celebrations.
The next big event in San Francisco is the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, on March 17th, 2018. Along with the parade, there are many planned events throughout the City on that weekend. Make sure if you’re making plans for that weekend, take into consideration road closures and possible events in the area.
With all the events in the City, and rain in the forecast, make sure to be careful when you drive. With an increase of pedestrians and vehicles, accidents are more likely to happen. Take an extra second to check for pedestrians and slow down to give yourself enough time to stop.
Richmond Station is doing its best to cut down traffic accidents within the district. Each month Richmond Station conducts eight traffic enforcement operations throughout the district. Officers saturate the areas of most concern (area of highest occurrence of accidents & areas of concern from the residents) to enforce various safety violations.
Have a safe weekend and try to stay dry!
Captain Alexa O’Brien
Commanding Officer
Richmond Station

Crime Map from 02/19/2018-02/25/2018 (88 incidents)
Burglary, Residence, Un-lawful Entry; Possession of Stolen Property
02/19/2018 1430 hrs.
100 Block of 15th Ave.
Officers were dispatched to 100 block of 15th Ave., regarding a burglary. The victim advised Officers, two of their vehicles were previously stolen and he believed he left a pair of house keys inside his stolen vehicle. The victim believed the suspect used those keys to access the house.
The victim told Officers both vehicles had been found, and one was recovered earlier in the day by Tenderloin Officers. Richmond Station Officers learned an arrest was made in the recovery of the vehicle.
Suspecting the person in custody was most likely involved in the burglary, Richmond Station Officers responded to County Jail to search the suspect’s property.
As Officers were inventorying the suspect’s property, they located several items belonging to the victims. The suspect refused to tell Officers how he came to be in possession of that property. The suspect was booked on several felony charges.
Attempted Robbery W/ Force
02/19/2018 1122 hrs.
6th & Fulton St.
The victim was walking at 6th Ave. & Fulton St., when he was approached by a male suspect. The victim stated the suspect yelled at him to get his attention, then punched him once in the face, once to the right jaw and twice to the forehead. The victim stated he never lost consciousness.
The suspect started to grab the victim’s backpack in an attempt to take it from the victim.
The victim stated he fought back and punched the suspect, at which time he fled into Golden Gate Park. The victim told Officers he was in fear for his life and felt as if he didn’t fight back, the suspect would have seriously injured him.
The suspect in this case is still outstanding and is de-scribed as the following: Black male, 20-25 yrs old, 5’7, 170 lbs., LSW a gray hoodie and dark pants
Robbery, W/ Knife; As-sault, Aggravated, W/ Knife; Probation Violation
02/21/2018 1115 hrs.
2675 Geary Blvd.
Officers responded to Target regarding a suspect waving a knife and attempting to leave with unpaid merchandise. Officers located and detained the suspect in front of 940 Presidio Blvd. Officers spoke with the victim who told them he saw the suspect walk past all the open cash registers towards the exit with a cart full of items. The victim approached the suspect and asked him if he had paid for his merchandise, at which time the suspect pulled out a knife and told the victim to get back. In fear for his safe-ty, the victim walked away.
When Officers searched the suspects property, he was in possession of two knives and had walked away with over $400.00 worth of merchandise. The suspect is currently on probation for theft and was booked into County Jail on several felony charges.
Robbery, W/ Force
02/22/2018 0451 hrs.
3600 Block of Geary Blvd.
The victim was standing at a bus stop on Geary Blvd., when she was approached by a male suspect. The male suspect asked the victim if he could use her phone. The suspect grabbed the cell phone from her hand, and with two hands choked her while yelling obscenities at her. The suspect grabbed the victims backpack and fled on foot in an unknown direction. The victim was transported to SFGH for further evaluation. The suspect in this case is described as the following: Black male adult, 30-40 years old, 6’0, 180 lbs., wearing all dark clothing.