New designs unveiled for GG Park dog area; vote for your favorite

A new design concept for the GGP Dog Area. Click to enlarge.

On Monday night, SF Rec & Park presented two design options for the redesign of the Golden Gate Park Dog Play Area. The dog play area is located inside the park near 39th Avenue and Fulton, and currently consists of one fenced off area with a loose sand surface.

The new designs offer several upgrades to the existing area, including separate play areas for large and small dogs, dog play equipment and obstacles, double gate entries and transitions to the play areas (this helps keep dogs from escaping), as well as refreshed landscaping and paving. The new concept also includes various surfaces for the dogs like synthetic turf and sand, and new picnic tables and benches for us humans.

The main difference between the two concepts is the amount of space carved out for the small dog play area, 17% vs. 23%. In a survey earlier this year, 73% of respondents indicated that the small dog area should take up 15% to 20% of the overall dog play area.

An online survey is now open to collect feedback on the two design concepts that were discussed at the meeting. Click below to vote for your favorite of the two designs:


The online survey will remain open until August 17, 2018. After results are in, another meeting will be scheduled to discuss the results and next steps for the preferred design concept.

For more information on the project, visit sfrecpark.org/project/dog-training-area-ggp-renovation-project.

Sarah B.


  1. I love underdogs max out the little ones! Asa percentage not a big deal.

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