in the old Alexandria Theater
On Thursday, the San Francisco Planning Commission will decide whether or not to approve a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed changes to the old Alexandria Theater building on the corner of 18th Avenue and Geary Boulevard.
The theater has been vacant since 2004, and since its closure, a magnet for blight and trash. But due to its historical nature and architectural detail, it’s been a tough nut to crack in terms of what would be best for the space.
The theater’s back parking lot on 18th Avenue was recently developed into condominiums appropriately named “The Alexandria San Francisco” (their http://thealexandriasf.com/ website doesn’t appear to be up yet…). The building also includes underground parking and a ground floor retail space.
The plans for the main theater building are quite different, in a good way. The proposed change in use for the building is to convert it into a swim center on the ground floor, a learning center on the second floor for after-school educational programs, and professional office space on a third level. The plans would also infill the west alley on the Geary side to build out a viewing gallery for the ground level pool. Upon completion of the Project, the theatre building would contain approximately 40,000 square feet.
In order for the Project to proceed, the Planning Commission must grant a Conditional Use Authorization for the change in use of a movie theatre to different uses, permit non-residential use size to exceed 5,999 square feet for all new uses; and allow a non-retail professional services use on the new third floor level within the theatre building.
Planning Commission staff are recommending approval at the meeting on Thursday, writing “The Department finds that the Project is, on balance, consistent with the provisions of the NC-3 District and the Objectives and Policies of the General Plan. The Project would rehabilitate the theatre building that has been vacant since 2004 with new community uses and non-retail professional services use, while preserving the building and its unique Egyptian form and Minoan ornament. The Department also finds the Project to be necessary, desirable, and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, and not to be detrimental to persons or adjacent properties in the vicinity.”
You can download the full docket for Thursday’s consideration of the Alexandria Project (officially known as Case No. 2016-015814CUA), which contains some detailed drawings and floor plans for the project, some of which are shown below.
Even with a Planning Commission approval on Thursday, the project still wouldn’t become a reality for quite awhile due to construction and permitting challenges. But the approval would be a great start to bringing a community use back to that grand old building.
Sarah B.

be on display in the new development
If that smaller pool is going to be a warm pool for physical therapy type activity I am so down for this.