Hacked! Digital road sign warns of zombies plundering San Francisco

Photo by Rudeen Monte

Drivers along northbound Park Presidio/Highway 1 on Sunday were greeted with a special warning on one of the digital construction signs: “ZOMBIES PLUNDER SF”.

Other digital signs warning of an upcoming closure for Presidio Parkway construction remained undisturbed.

One driver told me she did a double take as she headed down the street. “The first sign was normal, warning of the upcoming closure on July 12. And then the second one had the zombie message. It was really funny!”

Zombie warnings on road signs are pretty common as I found out. According to this SFGate article, road signs have been hacked to warn of zombies in Kentucky, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Illinois, Texas, and South Carolina.

From what I can gather from internet research, the signs are changed at their location (e.g. not remotely), so someone likely tampered with the sign in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Special thanks to RichmondSFBlog readers Nicole and Sam for sending in the news.

On and if anyone witnessed any zombies on their Sunday morning drive, please leave a comment to let us know. They must love hiding in plain sight in the Richmond District summer fog.

Sarah B.


  1. Look at city hall, there is a nest under that dome!

  2. I saw this Sunday night driving north. I saw someone running away from the sign that I initially assumed was the guy, but it was probably just someone taking a picture

  3. I saw that this morning haha i had to take a double take to make sure I wasnt still drunk and seeing things.

  4. The sign is correct. Monday night mindless Zombies plundered the Civic Center Bart Station.

  5. haha! its things like this that really make my day 🙂

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