Video & photos of Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary fireworks show

Photo by RyanAmazing

In case you missed the show on Sunday night, here’s some (complete) video and photos from the big event. Spectacular! Can’t wait to see what they pull out for the Bridge’s 100th anniversary. 🙂

Thanks to RichmondSFBlog reader Ryan for sharing his pics with us.

Were you there? Tell us about it in the comments.

Sarah B.

Photo by RyanAmazing

Photo by RyanAmazing

Photo by RyanAmazing


  1. It was an amazing show!!! Thank you GG Bridge team for allowing it/ making it happen – so beautiful! I had carpooled with friends & parked in the Marina district early Sunday – so we had a way to get home after… but the lines for Muni looked longggggg, and people trying to get cabs were leaping into the street. The bars in the Marina sure had crowds after the fireworks!

  2. Didn’t see it but certainly heard it. Great photos!

  3. It was an amazing display and the sense of community in the crowd was fantastic too. It is rare in this day and age to have events that are enjoyed and appreciated across such a wide spectrum of society. I feel sorry for anyone who was in the city who had the ways and means to attend and chose not to. It had the feel of a rare, once in a lifetime type event. I’ll not forget that incredible display for a long, long time!

  4. Truly spectacular and once in a lifetime. Pictures and videos can not do it justice. I will always remember this night! Pure magic.

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