Disturbing “egging” incident reported to Richmond District police

We got word today of a disturbing egging incident that occurred in the outer Richmond last week.

Last Sunday night on January 11 around 9pm, a resident was out walking her dog near 24th Avenue and California Street. While on California Street, a “carload of kids” drove by and threw an egg at her.

The woman quickly headed back to her house, but continued to be pursued by the kids, who continued to throw eggs at her from the car.

At one point, the woman tripped but managed to make it home. But friends say she was so shaken by the incident that she did not leave the house the next day.

Despite not having a clear description of the car or its occupants, the woman did file a police report with the Richmond District police station. The station said they had heard of other cars being egged recently in the neighborhood.

Richmond District SFPD Captain Simon Silverman confirmed that they received the report of the incident and that so far, it is the only report of a person having eggs thrown at them.

Sarah B.


  1. This happened to me about a year ago! Although it’s probably not related. I wasn’t chased and it occurred around 18th and Anza Ave about 9 PM as well. I called the non emergency police line and reported it, so I am a little surprised that this was the only report. Car was a late 90s/early 2000s white Toyota or Lexus.

  2. About 3 months ago, while walking on Geary (between 9th & 10th Ave) with my husband, a car drove by and threw an egg at him. It occurred in the evening, probably around 10pm. We weren’t chased and we didn’t report it. I don’t know if it is related but residents should be on alert.

  3. I noticed egg residue on 38th Ave near Fulton. I’m wondering if it happened there too…

  4. I’ve been sorely tempted to egg the young fellow who rides his three-wheel hot-rod race car up 18th Ave, burning rubber as he comes around the block, but I haven’t actually done so. He seems to be fairly careful (so far) about not running into cars/pedestrians/small dogs, so I’ll halfway accept that he just likes to make noise and show off, and has an excess of testosterone.

  5. Actually Ben, such behavior is a well known as having a LACK of testosterone or smullus dickus. lol

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